2023: The 197th Royal Scottish Academy Annual exhibition (online), Edinburgh, UK
2023: Masks are mandatory, Edinburgh Palette, Edinburgh UK
2021: Family Lexicon, Italian Institute of Culture, Edinburgh, UK
2019: I quadri viventi di Germano Ovani, sede Ordine degli Architetti PPC della Provincia di Pesaro-Urbino, Pesaro, Italy
2014: Two Italian illustrators in Edinburgh, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, UK
2010: Viaggio con figure nell’opera di Italo Calvino, Bologna, Italy
2007: A Bunch of Peculiars, North Edinburgh Art Centre, Edinburgh, UK
2006: Solo Exhibiton, Filmhouse, Edinburgh, UK
2006: Solo Exhibition, North Edinburgh Art Centre, Edinburgh, UK
2006: A Bird’s eye view, Italian Institute, Edinburgh, UK
2005: A Bunch of Peculiars, School of Art, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK
2004: A Bunch of Peculiars, Centro Promozione Cultura Italiana, Edinburgh, UK
2004: Bravo! Italian Illustration Exhibition: Taipei, Taiwan
2000: Master’s Exhibition, School of Art, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK
1999: Illustrators 1999, Competition/Exhibition, Il Battello a Vapore, Piemme Junior, Comune di Verbania, Italy
1998: Arrivano i Mostri, 4° International Competition of Children’s Books Illustrations, Città di Chioggia, Italy
1995: ArteViva, International Exhibition/Laboratory: Artists from Academies of Barcelona, London, Milan, Paris and Urbino; Senigallia, Italy
1995: Athema, Youth Art Exhibition, Città di Fano, Italy